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 Web Sites of Interest

  North High Alumni Web page; drop in and register.
       North High School Official Web page:

          Herrick Middle School (Herrick Junior High School)

   A good place to register your name and
                                      email address.




Several of our classmates can be found on the internet, either on personal websites or on others’ websites. Click on the link by each name to learn more of what each has been accomplishing.

Gretchen Grant Garner

Gretchen has been a college-level photography instructor, the source of many photographic exhibitions of her work, and the author of several books on photography.

Florie Sick Baumann

Florie has spent a number of years studying plein-air painting, which is done on-site in a matter of 2-3 hours. She’s had her work shown in numerous galleries with outstanding reviews.


Frank Fusco

Frank does fine woodworking and is a wood-turning artist. He has shown his work numerous places and is one of the artists selected to exhibit in this gallery.


Lynne Rutherford Ramsey

Lynne was, for a number of years, the executive producer of this blues festival, noted to be one of the “top music festivals in the world”. Look for her on this site.