th Grade

Eighth Grade


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1953 Puffer School 8th Grade

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   Front Row: Carol Novak, Mary Chapman, Phillis Sweitzer, Sharon Gurtler, Judie Lauing, Ron McCabe, Betty Heisner,
Judy Stewart, Mary Ann Henek, Florence Johnson, Judy Dian

 Row 2:

Agnus Hefty (principal), Ms. Hallwacs (teacher), Dorothy Crawley, Carol Anne Seek, unknown White,
Danny Moravec, Ed Hajny, Jim Tharp, Chuck Carlson, Pat Sponholtz, Donna Lauing, Judie Bail,
Mrs. Knight (music teacher), Wesley Gramm (superintendent).
   Row 3: Jerome Wells, Larry Clear, Allan Greenman, Harry Kitzmiller, Dorothy unknown, Charlene VanWie, SallyTesarek, Rosemary Baker, Mary Ann Lola, Penny Dume, Roger Compton, Larry Blum