I find it somewhat ironic to accept this
honor from my former high school since the whole idea of awards always
made me uncomfortable. I think it boils down to feeling that some
people who do small, heroic things often do not get awards, like the
Naperville woman I remember from my high school years. She spent her
Saturdays at Hines Hospital visiting and comforting war veterans. I’d
like to dedicate this award to her and all those people who do heroic
things we may never learn about.
Some of you here today have had a great
high school experience & might not even list fire drills & assemblies as
your 2 favorite NCHS activities.
Many of you had teachers who inspired
you. Cherish their memory. Others may not have felt this way and are
thrilled high school is over. I want to address both groups. For those
of you who will expand your education in college, I say “Hurray,
the system did NOT fail you.”
those who are facing Robert Frost’s diversion in the road and choose a
different way, I say “Go for it,” or like Yogi Berra said,
“When you see a fork in the road, take it.”
During the years I spent as a sales rep.
for a check printing company, I worked with former Chicago Bear, Ronnie
Bull, and Yankee & Chicago White Sox player, Bill Moose Skowron, who
also happens to own 4 or 5 World Series rings. I found it was
beneficial to learn about the product beginning in the factory, then
moving up to the office, and finally working with Moose and Ron in
outside sales. So whether you become a plumber or a politician, don’t
be discouraged by starting a job in a modest position; the most
important thing is to do any job well.
Adams in his Dilbert comic strip wrote that doing a good job may spare
you from one day having your boss turn to you and say:
have an UN-important project to do - and I thought of you.”
I was lucky. When I left sales for
a banking career, I was able to take advantage of bank marketing schools
at the University of Colorado and Temple University. The skills I
learned helped with another interest l0 years later -- writing TV
scripts for Naperville’s cable access, something I really loved doing.
And that’s a good tip to pass on to you – try to find a job you
really love.
Earlier I addressed students who plan to
attend college. I also want to tell you about some of the cranky
autodidactics I know – friends who did not attend college, but
who taught themselves by voraciously reading books. They not only
amassed information, they also learned to believe in their abilities and
accomplished wonderful things.
My son’s favorite autodidactic is
shock-jock, Steve Dahl. I have 3 favorites: Poet Robert Frost (who left
college in less than a year); African American playwright, August
Wilson, who found his education in Pittsburg libraries reading great
authors; and Woody Allen, who perpetually lives in a world of
existential despair.
I’d like you to look around today at the
classmates with whom you’ve shared your 4 years at NCHS. A few of you
will do astonishing things in the future – hopefully this
side of the law – and a few will become the next generation of
millionaires. The millionaires will accomplish this through
entrepreneurial skill, knowledge, and a small measure of “dumb luck.”
Never discount DUMB LUCK.
Allow me the clairvoyance to look into the
future and address the entrepreneurs among you. One day you may be in a
position to work on boards of deserving organizations or add a wing to a
hospital in your community. You may even do something more modest --
like starting a fund to help pay the expenses of classmates -- who can’t
afford to attend -- your 25th high school reunion in 2028.
Few acts in your life are better than ones of self/less/ness.
Your generation is in the position to
change what’s wrong in our country through legislation. Use that power
by informing yourselves on all sides of an issue and vote for what you
No matter what’s ahead for you, continue
to fight for responsible standards rather than the lowest common
denominator. Turn Jerry Springer off and put the news hour with
Jim Lehrer on – and if you can’t do that, read a newspaper on line or in
Nothing I can tell you today will be
better than to perform small acts of courage & kindness, to support
causes larger than yourself, and to choose forgiveness over anger. When
you fail, as all of us do, learn from your failure &
adjust your life, but not your standards.
I can give you a personal example of my
successes and failures. Over 30 years ago there was a small parcel of
wooded land on Hobson Road in danger of being developed. Some people
got together to try & keep the land as a forest preserve. One way they
called attention to their idea was by marching to SAVE EGERMANN WOODS
which I eagerly did with my 2 young children. Ultimately, the land was
saved from development, and today scenic Egermann Woods is an area to
enjoy. That was a success for a small group of people who had the
courage of their convictions.
Not all things go this well. When the
Riverwalk was being constructed, a portion of the land was slated to be
developed for condominiums. A group of people opposed this concept
hoping the land would be left for open space or a picnic area.
My small part was to give an impassioned
speech -- at a City Council meeting -- in an effort to get support for
open space. Ultimately, the land was developed into what is now an
attractive condominium complex on Aurora Road across from NCHS.
-- Win or lose – if you believe in something, stand up for what you
think is right & fight for what you believe.
Martin Luther King put this kind of
conviction in a speech about having a dream of what could be. Jung &
Freud also told us a lot about dreams & the role they play in our
lives. Don’t give up your dreams; they can make a difference.
Some of you will instinctively become
leaders; others will be catalysts. Whether you are a catalyst or a
leader, examine all sides of an issue for an approach that may be
unorthodox, unusual or new. The popular expression is to think
outside the box; I’d say simply: don’t box
yourself in with any limitations.
The Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert, who
have none of the advantages of your NCHS education, live amid
unpredictable -- & dangerous obstacles, yet I have read they often feel
more secure than we do. One reason may be -- that they
have a close relationship with nature. Find time to nurture that kind
of spirituality. A sense of wonder will improve your life.
you're away from school, don’t stop reading. In a world that may
be in danger of losing its spiritual identity to technology, practice
the values you can learn from reading.
Recently I attended a brunch with Canadian
author, Yann Martel, who wrote The Life of Pi. (That’s the
mathematical Pi – P-I rather than American Pie).
The Life of Pi is a
book I recommend for your summer reading. Author Martel agreed that
good books help to tell you who you are.
French philosopher, Jacques Derrida,
offers this thought about a person which I’ve applied to reading
books: What if someone wrote a book that changed not the way you
It’s also important to keep a proper
perspective. I remember reading that physicists were on the verge of
learning more about the Higgs Boson. The Higgs Boson is
composed of particles that cannot be seen, but by
smashing them together at tremendous energies, give new clues
as to how the world began. Well, most of us are not expected to know
complicated things like the Higgs -- but reading articles allows us
to respect physicists who DO understand them -- and to know why this
work is so important. When it comes time to get government funding
for science, your vote will help to make a difference.
I work for a doctor who believes laughter
helps to keep you healthy & may even contribute to a long life. So
whether a line from a Saturday Nite Live program -- or an Austin
Powers or Adam Sandler movie -- breaks you up, laugh often, especially
when you are down.
leave you today with some closing thoughts:
Don’t be afraid of crazy ideas –
the best science started that way….Stay close to nature and
sometime in your life, even plant trees – as a recent book title
reminds us,
Hope is the Thing with Feathers.
Remember to thank
supportive parents by telling them how grateful you are to be their
daughter or son, & finally, as you leave NCHS, consider these
words of Woody Allen who
wrote, “The only thing standing
between me and greatness is me.” Don’t let anything stand
between you and what you want to be.
Thank you.