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On Saturday morning, we rode to Navy Pier in air conditioned comfort thanks to two buses generously provided by Don Peterson.  In the photo on the right are Bob Chaplin & Rodney Hiltz in the front row; Dot & Jay Buikema & Nels & Shirley Anderson in the second row; Pat & Don Peterson & Jim & Helen Barna in the third row; David Spensley sitting across from Dick Zimmerman in row four.  Mayor George Pradel (Class of 1955) was seated in the rear of the bus flirting with the ladies.

Once at Navy Pier, we walked to the boarding area for the Duck.  On the gangplank waiting to board are Dick Zimmerman, Vicki Barkdoll, Bob & Ann Wehrli Jansen, & Ron Barkdoll.  At the top of the gangplank, we all had professional photos taken as souvenirs of our cruise.

  Rose Ann waited dockside for latecomers.

Lloyd & Holly Schmidt assured us the view from the very top is just wonderful.  The beautiful Chicago skyline shone on this day of warm breezes & bright sunshine.



Charlene Yanko O'Neill & Rose Ann Stash Landorf
visit over a relaxing meal in
the salon.
Edna & Randy Van Schmus
& Don & Pat Peterson opted for sunshine & the view on the back of our deck.
Jim & Helen Barna chatted with Nels Anderson. Rosemary Rickart & Loretta Leverenz Hinterlong enjoyed some time together.

Patricia Landorf, Don Peterson, Edna & Randy
Van Schmus, & Chuck
& Geri Zimny Faivre
catching that lovely breeze.
Mary & Jerry Berthold visit
with Pat Squires Landorf
while Ralph & Patricia
Landorf wait for us to set sail.
Jay & Dot Buikema & Bob Chaplin
talk with Ron Barkdoll as we head out
onto Lake Michigan.