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Weeks' Photos
The young lady in the photo is
classmate Karen Johnston,
her companion is Lloyd Schmidt, class of '56. |
Karen Johnston Rubin fooled no one.
Those of you proving your excellent eye are:
Jay McQuillan
Paul Pucci
Mary Lynn Shiffler Walters
Ralph Beaulieu
Dick Nelson
Judy Daniels
Judy Kingery Strenk
Mary Sue Kobliska Meal
Joyce Van Poucke Friedman
Bob Wiita
Linda Long Johnston
Ray Schnibben
Marcia Fry Goodrich
Karen Johnston Rubin
Jon Ripsky
Sandra McClellan Rowlands
Marilyn Wright Whitman |
Did this photo strike a familiar chord?
Must have because
everyone was able to name this classmate. |
She is Salley Mueller, of course.
Thanks for playing:
Jerrian Myers Wilson
Bob Barenbrugge
Marilyn Wright Whitman
Claudia Jean Meiley Patterson
Shirley Caldwell Plumb
Jay & Joan McQuillan
Karen Johnston Rubin
Bruce Jafek
Judy Daniels
Judy Kingery Strenk
Pat Cowan Thompson
Bonnie Rowe Huen
Paul Pucci
Carol Modaff
Mary Lynn Shiffler Walters
Nancy Van Ham Lindberg
Bonnie Fox St John
Ralph Beaulieu
Judy Powell Fogel
Diana Hoffman Jarvis
Larry Martin
Carol Modaff Weissinger
Mary Sue Kobliska Meal
Sandy McClellan Rowland
The young woman on the left is an NCHS 58 grad;
the other young lady was a classmate of ours for a while.
Did you remember Karen Johnston & Barb Hankinson?
Do you also remember the glass bottles? |
Thank you for playing our Test Your Memory Quiz once again.
Congratulations on recalling Karen.
As for Barb, most of you found her familiar,
but a few of you actually put a name to her.
Well done.
Bob Barenbrugge
Judy Kingery Strenk
Marilyn Wright Whitman
David Spensley (also knew Barb's name)
Judy Daniels
Mary Lynn Shiffler Walters
Larry Martin
Dick Nelson
Ralph Beaulieu
Patricia Cowan Thompson
Sandy McClellan Rowland
Shirley Caldwell Plumb
Carol Pickhardt Fancher (remembered Barb's name)
Mary Sue Kobliska Meal (remembered Barb's name)
Joan Bourne McQuillan
Bob Wiita
Nancy Van Ham Lindberg |
Did you recognize your classmate?
He is pictured at left in the photo.
Thanks to those who played:
Mary Lynn Shiffler Walters
Bob Barenbrugge
Dick Nelson
Judy Powell Fogel
Jay & Joan McQuillan
Patricia Cowan Thompson
Shirley Caldwell Plumb
Larry Martin
Linda Long Johnson
Ralph Beaulieu
Marilyn Wright Whitman
Paul Pucci |