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The ice sculpture, musicians & champagne set the mood for a very special initial event.  Our gracious hosts, Dot & Jay Buikema (left) are to be thanked for opening their home yet again to the Class of 1956.  We renewed old acquaintances, made new friends, and ate some spectacular & beautifully presented food.  Art Shaff & Dorothy Loehmann Pigney (at right) seem a bit overwhelmed by the food presentation.

Bob (Bope) & Linda Schrader (left) & Bob & Martha Linnell were among the attendees.

A lovely cake awaited us on one of the dessert tables.  The dessert offerings were many and quite delicious.  However, Bope had us corralled downstairs filling out personalized "How Much Do You Remember About High School" forms for a contest he had dreamed up.  Prizes were awarded at the DuPage Club event the following night.  David Spensley (below with June Cossmann Lockwood, your webmaster) won first prize (the last Redskins cap) for answering all of the questions on his sheet correctly.

Ralph Landorf & Charlene Yanko study their contest forms.

Bet Don Peterson is thinking "Bope's done it to us again."

Marge Schuck Wright, Charlene Yanko O'Neill & Loretta Leverenz Hinterlong chatted in the foyer.

Shirley Kroviak Anderson, Nels Anderson, Barb Hiltz & Jim Barna (back to camera) enjoying Jay's hospitality.

  Jay Buikema, Bob Chaplin & Andy
  Ferreri posed for the camera.