Sunday, October 12, 2003 |
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Here are two familiar faces:
Judy Powell Fogel with Bud Sanders.

At left are
longtime friends
Myra Hildebrand Riskedal
& Kathi Osborne Hahn.
Kathi & Jerry Hahn
were houseguests of
Myra for this reunion.
The two "Ladies in Red"
are Joann Kenas Richter
& Sylvia Ory Shaff.


Joyce Van Poucke Friedman
stopped for a visit with
Jon & Jeanne Ripsky.
Jon seems to be glowing;
is that the reason for the
shades, Joyce?
And here's Karen with
Elaine Herrmann Brucher
& Mel Brucher.
There were lots of happy faces
this morning.


One more group photo before
saying farewell
to our 45 year reunion
& all the special people
with whom
we attended NCHS.
Al & Karen Rubins, Bud Sanders,
Judy Kingery Strenk, Tom Yackley
& Gloria Wolf Evans,
it was great!

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